Optimization of Broadcast Encryption Schemes


Broadcast encryption is an interesting application of cryptography to broadcast content to a changing group of intended recipients in such a way that noone outside this group can recover the content. This has natural applications in e.g. media distribution in mobile and cable TV networks.

In this thesis, several new ideas for reducing the bandwidth requirements of broadcast encryption systems will be presented. Among them a new generic framework achieving better performance than state-of-the-art schemes, both in theory and practice.

Optimering av broadcast-krypteringssystem


Broadcast-kryptering �r en intressant till�mpning av kryptografi som m�jligg�r massuts�ndningar till en dynamisk grupp mottagare p� ett s�dant s�tt att ingen utom de tillt�nkta mottagarna kan avkoda inneh�llet. Detta har naturliga anv�ndningsomr�den inom t.ex. mediadistribution i mobil- och kabel-TV-n�tverk.

I detta examensarbete presenteras ett flertal nya id�er f�r att minska bandbreddskraven hos broadcast-krypteringssystem. Bland dessa finns ett nytt system som uppn�r b�ttre prestanda �n de b�sta k�nda nuvarande systemen, b�de i teorin och praktiken.

The report (PDF, 874 472 bytes)