
Picture of Gunnar Kreitz at ACM ICPC World Finals 2005

My name is Gunnar Kreitz, and I'm a postdoc in the Theoretical Computer Science group at CSC, KTH. I'm interested in theoretical computer science and networks. In particular, I've worked on Broadcast Encryption, Peer-Assisted Streaming, and Secure Multi-Party Computation. I currently work on the PeerSoN project on privacy-preserving P2P social networks. I also work at the Swedish music streaming service Spotify.

E-mail: (remove +webspam to make my spam-filter less trigger-happy)
Phone: +46-8-790 96 90
Cellular: +46-708-366 459
Address: Nada, KTH, 100 44 Stockholm
Room: Osquars Backe 2, floor 4, room 1445

This is a personal homepage .


